Friday, February 12, 2016

Tendinopathy course review



How did you begin 2016? For 240+ Physiopedia Plus users from over 20 countries, they started their annual CPD with a bang with the tendinopathy course…

Just over a week ago the second four week “live” learn topic in Physiopedia Plus (PP+) came to an end. The subject, tendinopathy is a clinical area of intense interest and we were extremely fortunate to gain access to some of the leading researchers and practitioners in this field who provided some fascinating interviews that made up an important element of the course. This was combined with up to date journal articles, book chapters (courtesy of Physiopedia partner Elsevier), quizzes, forum topics and exercise videos to provide a rich and varied educational experience that seems to have been universally enjoyed by the course participants. Many of these participants also highlighted how the flexible structure of the course allowed them to dip into the learning activities over the course duration to fit in with their busy working and family lives. Plus the course remains available on the PP+ site to be completed by subscribers at any time.

Many of the participants have come away with clinical take home messages that they intend to integrate into their future practice including:

  1. A focus on isometric strengthening exercises and a move away from stretching, NSAIDs and adjunct treatments.
  2. The adoption of the related clinical toolkits that are published on Physiopedia.
  3. The use of the very latest concepts from research such as the use of a metronome during exercises.

Here are some summary details and statistics:

  • 7 exclusive book chapters courtesy of Elsevier
  • 45 journal articles
  • 5 interviews with experts
  • 4 quizzes
  • 18 forum posting activities
  • 16 hours of required learning activities with a wealth of optional reference materials and activities.

Example feedback from tendinopathy course participants:

“I would thoroughly recommend the tendinopathy course. It guided me through a learning process in a way that I could fit into my busy day. Enjoyed it from start to finish and have hugely increased my knowledge and confidence in treating tendon problems.”

“This course is definitely worthwhile to take to help you in your clinical practice. The course presents new research that is relevant to clinical settings and helps you make sense of that research to implement it in the clinic.”

“Each week will provide challenging but effective learning material that you can use in your everyday practice. Highly recommended.”

“Great internet course, with interesting topics, forum interactions and videos from experts. Recommended for practicians with or without big experience luggage.”

“This is an amazing platform to refresh, update and further improve learning knowledge in the specific field.”

Don’t worry if you haven’t signed up or started this course yet. It will remain permanently available on the Physiopedia Plus site for all users to complete on their own schedule. Watch this space for news of the next PP+ “live” course which is scheduled for March 2016…

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