Thursday, April 6, 2017

World Health Day – #LetsTalk

Today is World Health Day and #LetsTalk about depression.

Depression is the most commonly seen mood disorder within a therapy practice and is often associated with other physical illnesses and psychological conditions. It is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide with more than 300 million people living with depression. That is a startling increase of 18% in the past decade and we need to act now.

The need to act now is more pertinent than ever considering the strong link between depression and other NCD’s. The concequence of the rise of such diseases is well publicized and musculoskeletal health, the staple diet of a physiotherapist, plays a key role in their management.

For someone living with depression talking to a person they trust is an important first step. In some cases a physiotherapist is perfectly placed to initiate this initial step towards recovery.

Physiotherapy and Depression

One of the most important roles of a physiotherapist is being aware of the signs and symptoms of depression so they can to be a link to primary care. Once this has taken place then physiotherapy is also well placed to help manage the symptoms of depression.

As explained in this physiospot piece there is evidence to suggest novel approaches such as cold water shock therapy can improve levels anxiety and depression. These techniques train the body to become more robust in times of stress and the same can be said about the effects of interval training.

Exercise in general has been shown benefit patients with mild to moderate mood disorders, especially depression. When performing aerobic exercise your body releases endorphins from the pituitary gland which are responsible for relieving pain and improving mood. These endorphins can also lower cortisol levels which have been shown to be elevated in patients with depression. Additionally, exercise increases the sensitivity of serotonin in the same way antidepressants work, allowing for more serotonin to remain in the nerve synapse.

To make sure you are aware of all you need to know make the most of the brilliant depression page on Physiopedia to ensure you help as many patients as you can today.

Read the page

Make sure you get stuck in to social media and share your stories of helping those with depression.

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