Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Untold Physio Stories S6:E8 - Jason Doesn't Care

Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 7:20
This episode's title is a bit of a play on words. Have you heard that results from imaging such as MRIs and Ultrasounds may not correspond to the patient in front of you? Well, listen in to this story when a patient has a copy of their knee x ray results and Jason has a very straight forward result.

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Untold Physio Stories is sponsored by the EDGE Mobility System, featuring the EDGE Mobility Tool for IASTM, EDGE Mobility Bands, webinars, ebooks, Pain Science Education products and more! Check it out at edgemobilitysystem.com .  Be sure to also connect with Dr. Erson Religioso at Modern Manual Therapy and Jason Shane at Shane Physiotherapy.

Want an approach that enhances your existing evaluation and treatment? No commercial model gives you THE answer. You need an approach that blends the modern with the old school. Live cases, webinars, lectures, Q&A, hundreds of techniques and more! Check out Modern Manual Therapy!

Keeping it Eclectic...

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