Monday, December 18, 2017

An Easy and Novel Lumbar Assessment

Often unilateral lumbar, SI, hip and many lower quarter presentations have a loss of ability to accept load in the ipsilateral or involved lumbar spine. Normally I use sidegliding in standing to assess for this, but came up with an even easier way. Let me know what you find! If someone has a loss or painful limitation to the same side of Sx in lumbar spine/hip or other LQ presentation, load it to end range and re-assess pain, function, and mobility.

Easy and Novel Lumbar Assessment for Unilateral LQ Complaints

If a patient has limited loaded SB to the involved side, try repeated loading strategies like
  • Sidegliding in Standing
  • press ups with hips offset (hips away from the painful side)
  • lumbar rotation mobilization, loading the involved side (painful side down on the table)

Learn how to integrate this easy assessment into your evaluation by clicking the button below to check out Modern Manual Therapy Premium!

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Keeping it Eclectic...

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