Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Shoulder Course

shoulder pain online course for physiotherapy and physical therapy

The NEW shoulder course will be available from 15th January – join in early to learn with and from physiotherapists all over the world!

The shoulder is the most mobile joint in your body. This flexibility also makes your shoulder susceptible to instability and injury. Common  acute injuries include dislocations, AC joint sprain, rotator cuff tears and overuse syndromes including rotator cuff related shoulder pain.  Other considerations include arthritis, inflammatory conditions, older people and the young person.

There is so much that can go wrong with the shoulder, it’s the basics that give us a head start! 

Best practice requires specific skills in assessment, treatment and rehabilitation when working with individuals with acute, chronic and complex conditions of the shoulder. The shoulder is a large topic and this course is therefore by no means exhaustive exploration of the shoulder but it is a great starting point for your understanding of treating shoulder pain.

The course is broken into 5 sections (expect to spend 4 hours on each section):

  • Section 1: Introduction to Shoulder: Structure & Function
  • Section 2: Shoulder Conditions: Clinical Presentations of Shoulder Pain
  • Section 3: Assessment of the Shoulder
  • Section 4: Therapeutic Interventions for the Shoulder
  • Section 5: Optional Assignment

The diversity of the resources included within this course are impressive. Which courses have you been on before where you can learn from world leading experts in a single location?

  • Jeremy Lewis
  • Karen McCreesh
  • Chris Worsfold
  • Chris Littlewood
  • Eoin Ó Conaire
  • Ingrid Hultenheim Klintberg

Make the most of this fantastic opportunity by making sure you can take part. Access is only available with a Physiopedia Plus membership. Has there ever been a better reason to become a member?

Sign up now

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