Monday, January 1, 2018

Top 5 Blog Posts of 2017

Happy New Year Everyone! I have been on vacation for most of the holidays, out of town, so this post is a few days late, but better late than never! As usual, we had a ton of great blog posts from The MMT Team. Here are the Top 5 MMT Blog Posts of 2017 in case you missed them.

  • most manual therapists (myself included a long time ago) just beat the tar out of frozen shoulders
  • you can't rush true tissue extensibility/length changes any more than you can rush hypertrophy
  • try this Novel Mobilization for a pain free tone reduction which enables the patient to move in a greater range threat free
  • this technique could be a good starter for lateral shifts that are too painful to accept load
  • I used it successfully on an ipsilateral lumbar lateral shift with pain below the knee, normally having very poor prognosis
  • I've since used it as the LCAP - Lateral Chain Arm Pull Test to quantify single limb stance stability and lateral chain strength
  • Dr. Dennis Treubig, star MMT Blogger and inventor of The Knee Terminator as usual dominates our Top posts of the year
  • do you agree or disagree with his list items?
  • it's a build up to why The Knee Terminator is a no-brainer for your post op knee patients, but as such, it was still very close to the top post of the year!
  • honestly, if you use the prone knee stretch for LLLD stretching, you're somewhat of a sadist
  • this used to be one of my favorite go to pin and stretch type techniques; I used to hammer away at it until motion improved
  • this variation gets the same results, but is much faster and is pain free
Thanks to everyone for your comments, questions, shares and support! Live Q&A/mentoring is coming to MMT Premium in 2018 (along with a price hike so now is the time to join before that happens!) See you in the new year, and check out our 2018 Eclectic Approach course schedule here!

Want an approach that enhances your existing evaluation and treatment? No commercial model gives you THE answer. You need an approach that blends the modern with the old school. Live cases, webinars, lectures, Q&A, hundreds of techniques and more! Check out Modern Manual Therapy!

Keeping it Eclectic...

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