Monday, April 16, 2018

#MMTTV Q&A: How to Deal with Stiff Post Op Knees?

We've all been there, the seemingly simple evaluation on your schedule for post op total knee arthoplasty. Then see them having a hard time walking to the table with a very recognizable gait. They're missing 25 degrees of extension and have 70 degrees of flexion at best. What to do?

How to Deal with Stiff  Post Op Knees?

This post is really assuming it's a true "issues in the tissues" problem, and not just hypersensitivity and acute timeframe after surgery. If they had the motion prior to surgery, in the acute time frame after surgery, they still have it, but pain/CNS lockdown won't let them access it. If it's been like this for a year or more, that's the ones we have trouble with! 

Check out The Knee Terminator below, a product Dr. Dennis Treubig  and I collaborated on for those who need a long load, low duration stretch!

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Keeping it Eclectic...

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