What is Amazon Smile?
AmazonSmile is an easy and automatic way for you to support Physiopedia for free whenever you shop on Amazon. When you buy something on AmazonSmile you will find the exact same price as Amazon.com with the added bonus of Amazon donating a portion on the purchase to the charity of your choice. All you have to do is select the Physiopedia charity on your initial logon. he shopping experience is exactly the same.
The scheme was launched in the UK in November 2017 initially with only 11 major charities eligible. The great news is that now the scheme is available to all UK registered charities!
Set Physiopedia as your chosen charity!
How do I Choose Physiopedia?
The great thing is you just have to use your existing Amazon account details for AmazonSmile. The first time you login you’ll select your chosen charity. Simple!
How much do Amazon Give?
Each time customers access Amazon through smile.amazon.co.uk, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the net purchase price of eligible products to charities of the customers’ choice.
This will be TRIPLED to 1.5% up to the 29th June 2018.
Why Donate?
Physiopedia is a charity registered in the UK run by a team of volunteers who are on a mission to improve global health by providing free access to physiotherapy knowledge to everyone! Empowering physiotherapists with knowledge means better health care and reduced disability around the world. It is about the power of individuals to do extraordinary things for the global physiotherapy profession and for the world wide population of people that will benefit from our care.
There are many ways to donate to the Physiopedia charity, including making a one time or regular donation, becoming a benefactor or making a legacy gift that will help us to plan ahead for future Physiopedia projects. We would be delighted if you joined our existing donors, benefactors and legacy gifts, ensuring Physiopedia can do much more in the future.
All money received as a donation goes towards supporting our mission where the main purpose is to:
- Maintain the Physiopedia website with quality information and keep it free for all for ever.
- Offer free online courses for physiotherapists in topics that particularly affect individuals and communities in low income and/or conflict or disaster affected settings.
This really is a great way to help the Physiopedia Charity to continue to make great content available for free on physio-pedia.com
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