Friday, June 1, 2018

Top 5 Fridays! Top 5 Posts of 2018 So Far

It's around the mid-point of 2018 and that means we need to recap our top posts, videos, podcasts and more! If you're new to our blog or just catching up, here are our Top 5 Blog Posts of 2018 so far!

What this really means is I'll be taking a lot of June off to travel with my family and won't have the best internet connections all the time!

  • forget anterior/posterior glides of the femoral head or greater trochanter (seriously - ouch!)
  • check out these novel ways to mobilize the hip

  • I have certainly been guilty of this at all points in my career
  • how often do you really actively listen to your patient?
  • do you hammer home Pain Science Education when they clearly do not want to hear it at the time?

  • everyone works on flexion and they forget about terminal knee extension
  • perhaps it's because some post op patients are immobilized in neutral?
  • neutral is not terminal knee extension and according to some research, lack of terminal knee extension predicts successful return to function
  • using the Motion Guidance here gives good external feedback and is a fun way to work on terminal knee extension for post op patients (or knee patients)

  • like many discoveries, this was by accident
  • I tried most of the resets I knew for acute ankle sprains, and none of the normal directional preferences or mobilizations worked
  • for this acute and severe inversion sprain, simple repeated dorsiflexion and eversion worked to significantly reduce pain during WB/gait

In June, MMT Blog will switch to a M, W, F format since I will be traveling on holiday with my family for 3/4 weeks. Don't worry, the content will keep coming. This gives you chance to check out all the other amazing content out there and get off your screens and enjoy the summer.

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Keeping it Eclectic...

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