Thursday, September 13, 2018

Why It's Your Moral Obligation to Learn to Sell Physical Therapy

In this quick video, I emphasize the importance of learning how to sell physical therapy and what it means to the patient's overall happiness.

What happens when we don't sell physical therapy?

Say a patient has back pain and goes to the doctor. They tell the patient to stop squatting, that they need an injection or even surgery to fix the issue. Can you imagine what that does to people?

Patients get told they have the "worst spine they've ever seen" by their doctor and that there's no hope, that there is nothing they can do.

I had a patient come in once whose name was Todd. There was nothing wrong on his X-ray, but they told him they needed to do surgery to figure out what was causing him pain in his ankle.

He’s exactly why I'm on my mission to save 100 million people from unnecessary surgery.

What's going to happen if we don't sell physical therapy? People are going to call and they'll go, “Do you take my insurance?” You're going to go, “No.” No, hang up. Click.

Sell physical therapy

Selling isn't bad or rude

Most people think money is bad, that selling is bad and rude. If you're selling something you don't believe in just to make money, that comes right through you. People will know.
Insurance companies are out to make money. They're out to raise their share price. There is an incentive to pay us to treat their patients before they get an X-ray and MRI and before they get surgery, but someone doesn't see it and the company is too big to make that happen.

It's just not there. It's absolutely of value, and they don't see it. That's why we need to market to patients directly. We need to market to patients, and that's what gets people calling us or visiting our website.

A third of your patients shouldn't be calling you and hanging up and going somewhere else. Actually, so much higher than that, because if we're having the right conversation with them and we're able to sell them on physical therapy, then it's life changing.

Directly to patient

It's a win-win situation

We have to get comfortable with charging what we're worth and asking what we're worth and selling people into it, because to sell is not to cheap. To sell is to give someone an understanding of an opportunity to get what they need. If you can help someone get what they need, like physical therapy instead of surgery for their spine, then we're all going to win.

If you guys sell it to the people, they're going to speak with their dollars. When the public starts to speak, other people are going to listen.

It's like we need to be the people seeing those people first, but how do we do that? We can't change the system. We've just got to go around the system directly to the consumer: the patient. Instead of going through the healthcare wall, we go directly to patients.

They find you on Facebook. They find you on your website. They find you on Google. They find you from their friends.

We have to sell them into the value of what they want.

If you're having trouble selling physical therapy or want to get more patients, there's an opportunity for you! Click here to join my upcoming masterclass.

Aaron LeBauer

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