Monday, May 21, 2018

Lumbar Loading for Hip Mobility

In "traditional" manual therapy, the painful or tight side lumbar spine and hip is gapped or unloaded in a lumbar roll mob/manip. That works, but it seems much faster to use a novel loading strategy. The patient and often most clinicians they have seen in the past in usually already "stretching" or unloading the involved side. 

Think of having high tone in a neuro patient, you wouldn't stretch it as hard or as fast as you could. The painful and/or tight side usually already has guarding, so if and when gapping works, it's usually due to fatigue. Slacking or loading is a much more novel and therefore faster strategy in many cases. This video is an example for right hip flexion/IR mobility limitations. It is already cleaned up a bit from sidegliding in standing to the right (pushing hips to the left) in the previous lab session.

For the full explanation and 10 min video, check out MMT Premium by clicking Learn More below!

Lumbar Loading for Hip Mobility

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