Monday, May 21, 2018

Wendy’s #justkeepmoving…on a volcano

Accidental Physical Activity: A holiday in Naples, Italy

5 days in Naples doesn’t sound like it’s going to involve a lot of physical
activity/exercise, but without even trying the reality is different…
Of course, any city holiday can easily involve a good deal of “pounding the streets”; wandering around, guidebook and map in hand, seeing all the sites without even noticing just how far you’re walking. And Naples was perfect for that, as the weather was warm but not too hot, and there are so many things to see: 3 impressive castles, a host of magnificent churches, beautiful palazzos & a gorgeous coast line.
So I wasn’t surprised that my husband’s iPhone reported several miles of walking each day.

One day we left the city to visit the Roman remains at Herculaneum, and then went on to climb Vesuvius. It’s a pretty steep climb for the last 800 metres or so, & can only be done on foot – & of course a steep climb is excellent aerobic exercise. To be able to peer over into the crater of a volcano was brilliant – it felt rather surreal, although there was no
bubbling of lava so we never felt in any danger. My husband’s iPhone report for the volcano climb shows that it is equivalent to climbing 67 flights of stairs.

A holiday doesn’t have to be a “walking holiday” to involve exercise: grab your guide & your map, & explore…

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